EnSoul Pan Pickup
The EnSoul Pickup is a
Universal Magnetic Contact Mic
Captures the true sound of your instrument without background interference
Immediately amplifies any magnetic surface on contact – no installation necessary
Works great with all types of Steel Drums and other percussion instruments
Best pickup for steel pans
Bass, Tenor Bass, and Cello Pans
PPEX-N-H EnSoul Pan Pickup External 10-Inch Lead
PPEX-N-H-18 EnSoul Pan Pickup External 18-Inch Lead
PPEXMT EnSoul Pan Pickup Jack Mount (great for supporting your cable, relieving pressure from pickup)
Double Tenor and Double Seconds Pans
PPEN-150H-12 EnSoul Pan Pickup 150Hz HPF 12-Inch Lead
PPEN-150H-20 EnSoul Pan Pickup 150Hz HPF 20-Inch Lead
PPEXMT EnSoul Pan Pickup Jack Mount (great for supporting your cable, relieving pressure from pickup)
Tenor Pans
PPEN-250H-12 EnSoul Pan Pickup 250Hz HPF 12-Inch Lead (for more high tones)
PPEN-250H-20EnSoul Pan Pickup 250Hz HPF 20-Inch Lead (for more high tones)
PPEN-150H-12 EnSoul Pan Pickup 150Hz HPF 12-Inch Lead(for more mid tones)
PPEN-150H-20 EnSoul Pan Pickup 150Hz HPF 20-Inch Lead(for more mid tones)
PPEXMT EnSoul Pan Pickup Jack Mount (great for supporting your cable, relieving pressure from pickup)
Best pickups for handpans
PPEN-NH-12EnSoul Pan Pickup Non-HPF Mountable 1/4-Inch Jack 12-Inch Lead
PPEN-NH-20EnSoul Pan Pickup Non-HPF Mountable 1/4-Inch Jack 20-Inch Lead
PPEX-N-H EnSoul Pan Pickup External 10-Inch Lead
PPEX-N-H-18 EnSoul Pan Pickup External 18-Inch Lead
PPEX10MT EnSoul Pan Pickup External 10-Inch Lead With Mount
PPEX18MT EnSoul Pan Pickup External 18-Inch Lead With Mount
Regarding the cables, we recommend the use of an unbalanced cable connecting the EnSoul pickup to the PA. An unbalanced cable consists of a signal wire and a ground wire. The ground carries part of the signal and serves to shield the signal wire from noise such as the hum from lights and transformers, as well as tv and radio frequency interference. It does a decent job, but unfortunately, the wire itself acts like an antenna and picks up noise. Therefore, unbalanced cables should have a maximum length of 15-20 feet (4-6 meters).